Thursday, October 29, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. I love love love my husband. Wife is my very favorite title.
2. I have naturally curly hair that I straighten almost every day.
3. I often rewrite lists, post its and other notes to make them look neater. I retyped many worksheets and such at school to make them work and look better too.
4. I love and can’t live without blue Chapstick brand chapstick.
5. I enjoy Diet Mt Dew and hot tamales (the candy) kept in the refrigerator so they are extra hard and chewy.
6. I don’t go to bed until the kitchen sink and counter around it are clean.
7. I love giving Sam baths and smelling his clean hair afterwards.
8. Fall is my favorite season for sure. I take time to notice the beautiful colors.
9. I taught 3rd graders for a long time and actually missed a few back to school teacher tasks the last two falls… getting nametags and desks ready, setting up my room, etc.
10. My 2nd toe is longer than my first which causes problems in shoes sometimes.
11. If all goes well, I'd love to have 4 kids… two boys and then two girls if I could be picky!!
12. I'd rather clean the houses of friends and family any day before cleaning my own!
13. I particularly dislike dusting and emptying the dishwasher.
14. I enjoy hosting and can’t wait to do it more often.
15. I am a big fan of the Today Show, E! News and The Doctors.
16. I am a tender heart and cry easily… happy, sad, don’t feel well, proud... the tears just come.
17. I could talk pregnancy, labor, and new mom stories all day long with any woman who would listen!
18. I love Christmas music and listen to it most of the year.
19. I joined my first bible study this year.
20. I sometimes wish that I had become an OB nurse instead of a teacher. Don’t know if I could have handled all that comes with nursing though.
21. I love looking at pictures and remembering the past. I take a lot of them now.
22. I don't step on newly washed bathroom mats for several days so they stay nice and fluffy!
23. I am struggling to stay motivated to get back in shape. It's tough tough and I like food.
24. I have enjoyed living in Denver the most of any place we've been. Being 15 minutes from Jamie and Matt, Ab and the kids has been completely wonderful. The weather and scenery aren’t bad either!
25. I feel so blessed to be a stay at home mom right now. Sam is a delight and I am thankful I get to spend each day with him.

That’s 25! Don't make fun of my silly tendancies! Now it’s your turn!!!


The Pingel Family said...

Number 3 is me all the way too. I can't stand to have notes messy, even if no one else sees them. If I make a big list and start crossing things off I often will make a new list. We are a little anal I think.

KK said...

Wow! We sound so much alike! The only thing I don't do is the bathroom mat one! I LOVE stepping on it, and try to be the 1st one!!!

KK said...

Oh, I even actually started out doing biology in college with the idea of being an obstetrician! The Kreb Cycle and I did NOT get along!

Hoversten said...

We are WAY TOO MUCH ALIKE!!!! It kind of scared me for a second! :) 3rd grade, clean house, clean rugs, OB nurse instead of teacher, baby/labor talk, etc. etc. Scary!