Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Birthday Celebration Begins!

This weekend we got to spend some lovely time with Bryan's Mom and Dan and sister Sarah and her family.  Sarah's birthday is the 4th and Sam's is the 10th... so Sarah got a birthday meal and Sam got a couple early presents!  Two hot items--- train cars and a John Deere semi truck--- one of which can be found in his grasp at all times!  We tried to get a picture of Grandpa and Grandma and the three kids but no such luck!  Jordyn napped mid-morning and so by the time she was up and had eaten a late lunch Miss Campbell was melting, ready to snooze.  We'll try again soon!  Love a good long weekend spent with family!

don't take my picture momma!

he was very in to the card

she's just as amazed as he is!

Campbell showing him the third car

I know what this one is Dad!  Get it out! Get it out!

he had spotted this truck a few weeks before and begged for it!

he loves it

he rolled/scooted around to try it out and watch from all angles!

she's no dummy and saw her chance to play with a few of the new train cars

this thing is so incredible you need to come look!!!

cheering! what simple joy <3 td="td">

Sarah + Steve = love

ha!  this is the best we got! shot #1!

and this is quickly where things went... yeah... I'm done mom.

our happy pup later that night!

one more shot of the beloved truck and the happy soon-to-be FOUR year old!

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