Monday, November 28, 2011

THIRTIES here I come!

Today I turned 30 which is kind of weird for sure.  30 means officially grown up in my opinion.  In your twenties you are looked at as young, fresh out of college, new to the working world, new to the parenting world, not far removed from young and foolish.  Thirty to me means the next chapter... college days were a little longer ago, been married for a while now, second kiddo came along to further our parenting adventure...  I feel like I accomplished a lot in my twenties--- Met my love.  Graduated college. Became an aunt. Taught in Cedar Rapids. Got married. Moved to FL. Became an aunt again. Taught in FL. Became an aunt again.  Became a mother.  Moved to Colorado.  Lived in the same city as my siblings. Became a stay at home mom. Moved back to Iowa. Became an aunt again. Had a second baby. Became an aunt again.  All the while working to be a better daughter, sister, friend.  Celebrating and comforting the ones I love through good times and bad.  Turning 30 today feels kind of weird... but not bad.  I'm looking forward to my thirties.  Bryan and I continue to grow closer and smarter in our marriage and I could not imagine a more perfect man to share these fast-moving years with.  I feel these will be some of the best with our own children as they become little people so very quickly.  I am one lucky lady.  And I am thankful.  So THIRTIES... here I come!! 

1 comment:

K said...

Welcome to the 30 Club! You will love it! Wish we lived closer! I think that our kiddos would have had fun together!