Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I have been getting my haircut at a place in North Liberty for a little over  year.  I really like my lady although she's younger and in a totally different world than me.  Two chairs down from her station hangs a thing with color samples... not shades of blonde or brown but shades of the rainbow.  I have been eyeing it for a long time thinking a tiny bit of color might be fun.  I almost pulled the trigger the end of August at my last haircut but chickened out.  Last week I decided to do it.  Purple.  Ellen was already drying my hair when I asked if she had time to do it that night and she, the trooper, said yes!  She pulled the rest of my hair out of the way and first dyed it bleach blonde (yuck!) and then put in 3 foils of purple.  Really purple.  Like the Crayola purple marker you color with purple!  Ellen said it took really well since I don't highlight or dye my hair.  We had to wash that chunk twice and sit under the dryer twice and 15ish minutes later I had a silly purple section of hair!  I know it's not that big of a deal but that's about as wild as I get folks!  It makes me smile and 8 times out of 10 people haven't noticed, which is the way I wanted it.  It will slowly fade out over the next several weeks and be back to brown sooner than later.  The pictures below were from my phone that night and aren't great.  Look at my birthday post below and see if you now notice that little section on my left side.  I'm glad I did it.  I think it's fun!  And PS- a few people have asked if I did it as a freaking out cause I'm turning thirty thing and I did not.  Just something fun for me.  It's only silly hair and will be back to normal soon.  : )      

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