Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We have had our share of tough days with Sam over the last year or so.  I can honestly say though for every tough day, we have without a doubt had at least a good week of a completely happy, loveable little boy.  I know I love him the most so my opinion is slightly biased but... he is honestly one of the happiest kiddos I have met.  He is in such a good stride right now... walking so much more, a lot nosier, into things, and getting creative and sneakier by the minute.  He likes to be on the go and is also content to stay.  He is patient, he lights up a room full of strangers and wins over aall the ladies with his charm.  He hardly fusses, has never been one to cry and we rarely see a temper tantrum or fit from him.  His little expressive eyes will get you every time.  He is busy and fun and just such a happy little soul.  Bryan and I couldn't be more proud as we watch him get the hang of things that were once hard for him.  All in his own time they said and we are seeing that happen now.  It feels good.  He is good.  We are loving being his parents.  I wish you all could love on a little of him each day.  I'm one happy, lucky mom.  PS- the talk/teasing of baby number two being a total dud or crabby as ever has already begun!  : )  Think we could get so lucky a second time?!?  : )  Never know!  We are so blessed. 

Here's a silly video of him tonight just playing after his bath.  Not the best walking (seems to dive a lot at the end which is happening less and less nowdays) but if you know him at all, we are so proud to see him so happy to be on his feet.  It's five minutes long and gets a little better in the middle so maybe you can get a glimpse of just how sweet he is.  So sweet he brings me to tears!  I know... Suprise! Suprise!!


Bearcub Mama said...

He's adorable, Jenny!! :) One happy camper, for sure! And yay for your 16-week check...any feelings on boy vs. girl?? Keep us posted!

An Iowa Pride said...

Feeling boy for sure! Bryan swears girl but I think I'm right! All is well! Glad to see your CO vacation was a hit Kylie!!! Thanks for keeping up with us. I'll try to be a better blogger again soon! JR