Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Radio Flyer Walker Wagon

Sam received one of his Christmas presents a little early and he is loving it!  I searched hard for a walker that was a little more sturdy and not as light weight as the plastic ones.  This is just perfect and pretty cute too!  He loves to motor around behind it and is so much more upright and confident in the short week and a half that he has had it!  It's fun to watch him.  His normal is to go across the living room and into the kitchen and then he ditches the wagon and walks along the dishwasher and cupboards!  He is getting so close to being able to walk on his own!  We had our first session with our new Iowa physical therapist this week and things went well.  We are happy to be back at that again and excited to see how much Sam keeps learning and changing!  He's worked pretty hard to get here!  We're close and oh so proud!

Here's a video of him the other night before bed.  He's a little grumpy and doesn't really want to be showing off for the camera but his mother made him!  Not quite his best performance but at least he kind of cooperated!  : )


Kyra said...

He is such a cutie, Jenny! I love those dimples! Are you all settled in and enjoying Iowa again?

The Perrys said...

Santa came early, huh? :) It looks like he loves it! I hope he's feeling better.

Bearcub Mama said...

He is SO adorable! Great walking!! Yay, Sam!! :)