Monday, April 27, 2009

Trip To Iowa

Bryan, Sam and I just returned from a great few days in Iowa! Bryan's dad, Randy, got married on Saturday in Cedar Rapids. Bryan took almost a week off so we flew home early Tuesday morning and got back to Denver Sunday night late.

We spent the first night in Newton with my parents so we could visit and they could love up Sam for a quick minute. We purchased his tux Tuesday when we passed through Des Moines so we had to model it that afternoon! Wednesday morning we took Sam to my mom's school to meet her class and coworkers and showed him off at my dad's office too so he's now been formally introduced in Newton!

Wednesday traveled to CR and stopped in quick to see Bryan's mom first. We spent that night at the Kellogg house. Brett, Lindsay and Addison are family and we had such a good night talking, watching the kids play, and catching up. It's so easy to fall right back in to the comfortable closeness we share. Hours like that are priceless. Sam and Addison are sure to be the best of friends when Sam is just a bit older. Addison loved digging out her baby toys for Sam. She is adorable. They will be out here in June for an OAR concert at Red Rocks with us and we can't wait to have them on our turf!

Thursday and Friday were spent around Karen and Dan's house relaxing. Sarah was home too so we all hung around and played with Sam. Bryan and his dad managed to squeeze in a round of golf both afternoons and Sam and Karen and I went to the park with the Kellogg girls. Bryan and I snuck away Thursday night and went to the Kernels baseball game with the Servpro crew. It was great to be able to spend a good amount of time with family and let them really love Sam. It is so nice to have family and friends so willing to look after him, play with him, bathe him, let us take a quick nap or run quick errands- whatever the need.

The wedding!!!! Friday night was rehearsal at the church followed by a quick dinner. Saturday Sarah and I met Peg and Ashley to get our hair and makeup done. We were ready for pictures 1:00ish. Our little Sam I Am looked so very handsome in his tux!!!! He had a jacket, vest, and tie... the whole nine yards! His shirt was too snug to button the top button around his neck but his tie covered it enough and he looked great! He did well through pictures and then crashed in my arms. It ended up working better that way because Randy was able to slowly carry a sound asleep baby down the aisle- taking his time to make sure everyone had a great view of the handsome ring bearer!!!!! He was handed off to me at the alter and I slipped him to Lindsay when everyone was turned around. Things worked out perfectly. The ceremony was very nice and a little surreal for Bryan and Sarah and I. We were happy to be standing beside Randy and Peg as they made their commitment to God. It was a fun afternoon. The reception was great too. Family, food, dancing, pictures, beer, pass the baby, etc. Sam did so well and smiled at the many new faces. We were so very proud to share our happy boy. It was a great day.
(Picture quality is a little questionable... sorry)
Randy and Peg
Ashley (Peg's daughter), Peg, Sarah, and me
Randy, Bryan and Sam, Sarah
Sarah and a happy Sam
The Kelloggs
Bryan and Sarah
Randy and his kids

Sunday morning we got back in the car early and headed to Newton. We went from there to Ames and made time for a quick meal at Hickory Park, an old favorite. People think I'm crazy but I still love little fried cheddar cheeseballs and you don't find them many places anymore. Hickory Park has them and they are delicious!!!! Bryan may have caught my cheeseball sickness so we are thankful they are hard to find! : ) After a little time poking around Ames, we piled in the car again and headed for the airport in Omaha. It was another jam-packed weekend in Iowa with good friends and our dear family. We had a great trip!

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