Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lazy Picture Post : )

Yes. Yes, he does.

This is the position that is almost failure proof to put Sam to sleep... knock on wood! Bryan has it down pat but it doesn't work for me. We only bust it out when Sam is beyond tired or feeling exceptionally stubborn. Bryan just pats his back a certain way and within a couple of minutes, those eyes are closed for good!

Last weekend Bryan's aunt Debbie stayed with us a few nights while in Denver on business. She loves Sam and even sent me out of the house for a few hours Monday afternoon so the two of them could hang out! I have to say it was a pretty strange trip through the mall. : ) We really enjoyed having her in our home for a few days.

Notice the pool of drool? We are hoping a tooth pops through someday soon! He's been working on them since well before Christmas!

Here are a few action shots of Sam in his exersaucer. He is such a different little boy in there now than when we first put him in and had to prop him up and do all of the playing to help him figure things out. It's pretty fun to watch him in there now.

Napping in his crib minus his pants. Notice those thighs and the full diaper!!

1 comment:

Bearcub Mama said...

He is so cute!! Love those chubby can you resist those??!! :) He's growing like a weed and looks so happy and content. Hope you're doing well!!