Monday, November 3, 2008

October's End

The last week in October was a busy one for our family. We were finally able to get into our apartment in Parker on Thursday. After nearly a month in Matt and Abbie's basement living out of suitcases, we were thrilled to get our stuff out of storage and move into our own space. We have spent the last few days sorting through things--- figuring out how to get a house worth of stuff, plus an elementary teacher's classroom belongings into a two bedroom/ one car garage apartment has been a bit of a challenge but we are close! Bryan put up some major shelving in the garage that we are pretty excited about to make it all work. We are happy to be a little more settled into our new home and are anxious to be starting a normal routine.

Sam also enjoyed his first trick-or-treating experience on Friday. We started with a few pictures with his cousins and visited a couple houses on their block. Sam peaked his eyes open for a few pictures but slept through the festivities in his pumpkin outfit (not very unique but we struggled to find something small enough). He caught his first cold this weekend so we have learned how to deal with messy sneezes, rough breathing, and a different kind of fussiness. He seems to be on the mend today so we'll see. He will be two months old on the 10th, believe it or not and is getting long and filling out those cheeks! Life is good in Denver!

1 comment:

Bearcub Mama said...

Oh my! Sam is growing and is SO adorable and sweet! Glad you're getting settled into your home and enjoying life in CO so far. :)

You'll have to check our blog to see pics of the G-Man in his Halloween costume...he had a blast!

Loved your latest pictures - take care!