Thursday, November 11, 2010

36 Week Appointment and Ultrasound

Yesterday I had my 36 week baby appointment.  Lots of good news... head down- dialated a bit more than a centimeter- belly still measuring 1.5/2 weeks ahead (although Dr. Wenzel said she didn't think I looked big... HA!)- gained 3 pounds- blood pressure was great (so live with the swelling)- baby girl heartrate right at 160.  Dr. Wenzel said she wanted me to have another ultrasound before my next appointment so we can better know how big this little girl will be.  She knew off the top of her head that she's on call Wednesday, December 1st so depending on the results of the ultrasound and assuming I don't go sooner, she'd like to induce us no later than the 1st!  I'm ready!!!

Today was the only day the ultrasound place could get us in before my next appointment on Tuesday so we were able to take a look at our little girl again this morning!!!!  Our last appointment there was pretty luke warm but today the lady was wonderful and really took her time to let us watch and get a good look at our babe!  She is a mover and a shaker and often went back to laying sideways across my belly- which is funny to me because I have been swearing that's how she is often positioned.  Her little hands were rubbing her eyes, she was opening and closing her mouth/ taking drinks, blinking and was active the whole time.  The ultrasound tech said she is measuring 7 pounds 1 ounce right now, give or take 17 ounces... so we could have a 6 or 8 pounder in there!  : )  Those measurements put us at 38 weeks, 0 days and I am officially 36 weeks, 3 days.  Dr. Wenzel will get these results later today and we'll be back in on Tuesday to see what she thinks.  I'm good to wait until the baby is ready but if she's 8 pounds right now... imagine what she'll be in 3 more weeks?!?  : )  Seeing our child this way is still in my opinion one of the most magnificent sights ever!  Here are a few pictures of her sweet little face... PS... the chubby cheeks were spotted right away by the tech (from me for sure!) and Bryan and I think she has the same squished, chubby nose Sam did.  Her pretty little fingers were in the way often but boy are they pretty!  We were even able to spot a bit of hair on her head so all of you that claimed my heartburn meant a head of hair- you may be correct!  What a fun morning!!!  Here she is!

See you soon sweet girl!!!!!!!!!!!!


Renee said...

amazing, truly amazing! what a cutie pie!

The Perrys said...

Can't wait to meet her!