Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm Pretty Lucky...

Valentine's Day is not too big of a deal around our house and the rule is you aren't supposed to spend much money if you do do something.  Bryan had been chomping at the bit all week to give me my present.  He kept talking about it- needing to spend a few more minutes downstairs where I was forbidden to go- telling me how excited he was- but yet he refused to give it to me early.  Saturday he gave in and presented me with a funny card he made and a beautiful vase.  Now, I'm a total sucker for flowers and have many beautiful vases just waiting to be filled again but never has one been filled like this before.
The vase is filled with reasons he loves me.  Lots of reasons.  Each on a tiny slip of paper, printed on both sides, cut and accordian folded with care.  Sheesh.  I am only supposed to read one a day but I'll be honest and admit that I have cheated each day so far!  : )  Bryan is more than I dreamed of in so many ways.  It's hard to type here the fitting words to describe him so I'm not even going to try.  He is my very best friend, the best partner and the reason I get up every day.  Diamonds and chocolates and such are great, but pretty sure this may be the best valentine ever.  I am a lucky, lucky girl. 

PS- My other valentine isn't too shabby either (though we can't take a clear picture to save our life lately)!


beauty queen's mama said...

oh wow! not THAT is awesome! i'd say you are a lucky lady and have two men in your life that are thankful to have you. :)

the w family said...

what a cool idea! LOVE IT!!! I would say they are both keepers :)

The Perrys said...

And I remember when he was the guy in the blue shirt at the football game. It's fun to think how life has changed since then!

Bearcub Mama said...

HOW SWEET!!! You need to keep those forever. What a romantic and thoughtful gift idea!! :)

Stitchin' Love said...

What a beautiful gift... straight form the heart! The beauty is that you appreciate it! You've got a keeper!