Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One Year Ago...

We were ready to meet our little boy!  Here are a few of the first pictures we saw of Sam.  We were blessed to have five ultrasounds while I was pregnant- three normal and two just for fun!  Isn't it amazing what they can see?!

Look away if you don't want details- Here's a quick rundown of our story... Last year on the night of the 9th I had a regular appointment (38 weeks, 4 days).  I had been struggling once school started four weeks before with terrible swelling and blood pressure that would go back and forth from trouble to okay.  Dr. Casavant sent me to the hospital to have some preeclampsia bloodwork done that night.  If my numbers were high, they'd keep me and get things going.  If they came back low, I'd go home.  One indicator came back really high which meant I was headed for trouble so Dr. Casavant kept me at the hospital and broke my water at 10:30pm.  I was given medicine to help me sleep plus magnesium sulfate for the preeclampsia.  Needless to say the lights went out for me once that all hit my system and I don't remember a thing until 7:00 the morning of the 10th!  Ever taken PM meds on accident during the day- that's what I remember it feeling like- couldn't keep my eyes open and slept through the majority of my labor.  Doesn't look too bad does it?!
Woke up at 7:00 with some pretty rough contractions but was still only dilated to a 3.  Hung in there until 9:30 when I got my epidural and then went back to sleep until 2:00 or so.  I woke up slightly panicked- pretty out of it and worried he would be born on the 11th if things didn't get going.  I begged them to check me but they were hesitant since Sam and I had both been sleeping so much which meant they didn't think too much progress was being made.  When they did, we were shocked to find out that I was ready to push!  Took me a bit to get him out since my body was so out of it from that magnesium sulfate.  Sam was born at 4:32pm on Wednesday, September 10th, 2008.  Healthy, beautiful and perfect.  Our love affair began outside of my tum one year ago tomorrow.  Sheesh. 

More to come in the morning!  Tomorrow is a big day around here!

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