Wednesday, March 11, 2009

6 Months Old

Our little guy turned six months old yesterday! It's hard to believe that I have kissed him that many days... that we have put him to bed that many times... that we have seen a half of a year of growing and changing go by already! When you say six months it seems like a long time ago, and yet all that really in just the blink of an eye?! He is rolling over, drooling like crazy waiting for those first teeth, eating green beans, sweet potatoes and other delicious baby food and talks to us nonstop! He reaches up for my face a lot and loves to hold my hand constantly... a boy after his mother's heart for sure!! Bath time and the first hour of a new day are his two best times. He is fighting another cold right now but is sitting beside me as I type just as happy as can be. I'm sure the next six months will got just as quickly and will be filled with many more exciting milestones!

Things went well at his six month checkup this morning. Sam weighs 16 pounds, 15 ounces (45th percentile) and is almost 27 inches long (55th%). He was poked four times and cried even less than the last time! He was able to get a flu shot since he is old enough now and because we are still in the middle of such a rough flu season in Denver so they say. His doctor said to really push the formula now that we are done nursing to fatten him up before he becomes even more mobile, keep going with baby food- even twice a day if I want, and continue working on those gross motor skills- sitting up with support and improving his upper trunk stability. We don't go back until he is 9 months and then the next well visit after that is at a year! Sheesh!! I have a feeling it's just going to fly by.

Wounds from shots today-

Sam, Jamie and I are headed back to Iowa for a quick weekend trip to see my Grandpa in Hampton on Friday. He has been out of his assisted living place and in a nursing home for the last month or so and we didn't get to see him at Christmas due to him being sick. I am anxious to give him a hug and introduce him officially to Sam. Bryan's parents and sister are kindly driving to Newton for the day on Sunday so it will be nice to see them also. Sam is pretty different since our last trip back at Christmas so it will be fun. It will be weird to be without Bryan but I think he will end up enjoying some down time in a quiet house.

A few pictures I particularly enjoy...
Sam and Dad snoozing-

Happy in his bouncy seat and PJs-

The rest-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is getting to be such a big boy! Sam is adorable and kissable, for sure! ; )

Hope you guys are doing well -- we're enjoying our warm weather here, getting outside a lot and even starting to swim again! Woo-hoo! :)

Take care!